
Reel Radio migration log

Migration from dev1 to moondog4 was performed on Feb 18, 2022

Cloned site respository to /export/web/reelradio on new production machine: moondog4.

Copied over apache2 config files, and symlinked to sites-enabled.

PROBLEM: Apache2 config not working when copied straight from dev1 development machine.

Next, we initialized MySQL and copied over the tables from dev1.

Next, phpMyAdmin was installed on the new machine, and the latest user table was exported from the old site, and imported into the new site via phpMyAdmin.

Once the site was up, we installed Composer and installed PHP dependencies, and setup the .env file with secrets on the production machine.

The latest comments from the original machine were copied to the new production machine.

Then, to get exhibits up and running, we had to modify the play script to point to the new machine. There is no longer a reason to redirect the users to the m3 machine to play the exhibit, because m4 will now take care of everything.

PROBLEM: We were running into an error where the PHP file to play the exhibits would not exec correctly.

Finally, since all users have cookies stored in their browsers, a notice was posted to log out and relogin.

To complete the migration, DNS entries were changed to point to the new production server.

New site is up!